Northumberland County

Official Plan (OP)

Northumberland County does not have an official plan, therefore lower-tier plans were used to identify settlement areas.

Northumberland County: Municipality of Port Hope

Official Plan (OP)

Municipality of Port Hope Official Plan, January 2009

Mapping source

Schedule A - Settlement Structure, September 26, 2006

OP description of mapped area

Urban Area, Hamlet, Rural Employment Area

Settlement areas

Campbellcroft, Canton, Elizabethville, Employment Area, Garden Hill, Osaca, Port Hope, Welcome, Wesleyville

New or amended OP

No new plan.


Wesleyville Rural Employment Area was identified as a rural settlement on the Port Hope Official Plan, therefore it was mapped as a settlement area.

Northumberland County: Town of Cobourg

Official Plan (OP)

Town of Cobourg Official Plan, Office Consolidation, August 2002

Mapping source

Schedule A - Land Use Plan, August 2002

Settlement area

The entire town of Cobourg was mapped as a settlement area.

New or amended OP

Amendment No. 69 to the Official Plan of the Town of Cobourg, December 2009

Mapping source

Schedule A - Land Use Plan, May 2010

Northumberland County: Township of Hamilton

Official Plan (OP)

Township of Hamilton Official Plan, October 21, 2003

Mapping source

Schedule A, March 1, 2007

OP description of mapped area

Settlement Areas; abutting Employment Areas

Settlement areas

Baltimore, Bewdley, Camborne, Cold Springs, Gores Landing, Harwood, Precious Corners

New or amended OP

Township of Hamilton Official Plan, November 2010

Mapping source

Schedule A - Land Use, July 25, 2012

OP description of mapped area

No mapping available online as of January 29, 2013.


Estate Residential; and isolated Employment Areas were not mapped as settlement areas.

Northumberland County: Township of Alnwick/Haldimand

Official Plan (OP)

Official Plan of the Township of Alnwick/Haldimand, Office Consolidation, 2007

Mapping source

Schedule A, Land Use Plan

Settlement areas

Bomonton, Brookside, Burnley, Centreton, Cornett, Eddystone, Fenella, Flavelle, Grafton, Lake Port, Roseneath, Vernonville, Wicklow, Wicklow Station

New or amended OP

No new plan.

Northumberland County: Township of Cramahe

Official Plan (OP)

Township of Cramahe Official Plan, 2005

Mapping source

Schedule A - Land Use Plan; Schedule C - Colborne Secondary Plan

OP description of mapped area


Settlement areas

Colborne, Castleton, Dundonald, Salem

New or amended OP

No new plan.


Estate Residential; Employment Area was not mapped as a settlement area, mapping is difficult to read.

Northumberland County: Municipality of Brighton

Official Plan (OP)

The Corporation of the Municipality of Brighton Official Plan, July 19, 2010

Mapping source

Schedule A Land Use - Map 1 Brighton Rural Area, August 3, 2010

OP description of mapped area

Brighton Urban Area, Hamlet

Settlement areas

Brighton, Codrington, Hilton, Orland, Smithfield, Wade Corners

New or amended OP

No new plan.


Shoreline Residential; Industrial/Special Development Area were not mapped as settlement areas.

Northumberland County: Municipality of Trent Hills

Official Plan (OP)

Trent Hills Official Plan, 1999

Mapping source

Schedule 6 - Campbellford; Schedule 7 - Hastings; Schedule 8 - Warkworth

OP description of mapped area

Urban Centre Boundary

Settlement areas

Campbellford, Hastings, Warkworth

New or amended OP

Municipality of Trent Hills Official Plan, October 2012; Amendment No. 5 to the Joint Campellford/ Seymour/Percy/Hastings Official Plan

Mapping source

No mapping available online as of January 29, 2013


Hamlets were too small and insufficient detail was available to be map them as settlement areas.