
Neptis analysis show that of the 56,200 hectares designated for urbanization between 2006 and 2031 in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, only 9% was actually built on between 2006 and 2011. This finding suggests that the remainder of the land supply is likely to last well beyond 2031.
The Neptis Foundation
Analysis, Brief (2015)
This paper describes a method for mapping and measuring the lands designated for growth and urban expansion in the area known as the Greater Golden Horseshoe under the provisions of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe.
Neptis Foundation
Analysis, Methodology (2014)
This report analyses the business cost for each major component of Metrolinx's Big Move, the transit plan for the Toronto Region.
Michael Schabas
Analysis (2013)
2006 Growth Plan is contextualized‎ within the history of regional planning in Southern Ontario, answering the question which plans were influential in shaping the Places to Grow act.
Richard White
Analysis, Commentary (2007)
Upon the release of the Growth Plan, Neptis finds that measures advocated by the plan may not be pushing the needle far enough
Analysis, Commentary (2006)
The commentary recommends stronger regulations to control the outward expansion of urban areas, better protection for greenlands and agricultural lands, and a monitoring program to track progress towards the government's goals for growth and urbanization.
Analysis, Commentary (2005)
This is the first in a series of nine issue papers commissioned by the Neptis Foundation for consideration by the Central Ontario Smart Growth Panel established by the Government of Ontario.
Margaret Walton
Analysis (2003)
This is the second in a series of nine issue papers commissioned by the Neptis Foundation for consideration by the Central Ontario Smart Growth Panel established by the Government of Ontario.
Ken Ogilvie
Analysis (2003)
This is the third in a series of nine issue papers commissioned by the Neptis Foundation for consideration by the Central Ontario Smart Growth Panel established by the Government of Ontario.
Richard Gilbert
Analysis (2003)
This is the fourth in a series of nine issue papers commissioned by the Neptis Foundation for consideration by the Central Ontario Smart Growth Panel established by the Government of Ontario.
Donald M. Fraser
Analysis (2003)
This is the fifth in a series of nine issue papers commissioned by the Neptis Foundation for consideration by the Central Ontario Smart Growth Panel established by the Government of Ontario.
Pamela Blais
Analysis (2003)
This is sixth of a series of nine issue papers commissioned by the Neptis Foundation for consideration by the Central Ontario Smart Growth Panel established by the Government of Ontario.
Pamela Blais
Analysis (2003)
This is the seventh in a series of nine issue papers commissioned by the Neptis Foundation for consideration by the Central Ontario Smart Growth Panel established by the Government of Ontario.
Meric S. Gertler
Analysis (2003)
This is the eighth in a series of nine issue papers commissioned by the Neptis Foundation for consideration by the Central Ontario Smart Growth Panel established by the Government of Ontario.
Larry Bourne
Analysis (2003)
This is the ninth in a series of nine issue papers commissioned by the Neptis Foundation for consideration by the Central Ontario Smart Growth Panel established by the Government of Ontario.
Eric Miller, Richard Soberman
Analysis (2003)