City of Barrie

Official Plan (OP)

City of Barrie Official Plan, April 2010, Office Consolidation March 2011

Mapping source

Schedule A - Land Use, March 2011

Settlement area

The entire City of Barrie is considered to be a settlement area.

New or amended OP

City of Barrie Preliminary Draft Secondary Plans and Related Official Plan Amendments - Barrie-Innisfil Boundary Adjustment, September 2012

Mapping source

Schedule 8A - Community Structure, Salem Secondary Plan, September 2012; Schedule 9A - Community Structure, Hewitt's Secondary Plan, September 2012

OP description of mapped area

Urban Area Boundary


1. The City of Barrie is a single-tier municipality, therefore no lower-tier mapping is available.

2. Barrie-Innisfil annexation lands were included as part of the City of Barrie and not the County of Simcoe.