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Planning the Next GGH
Planning the Next GGH analyses and maps the geography of employment and potential disruption across the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH) region.
Pamela Blais & The Neptis Foundation
Report (2018)
This report maps and analyzes the dynamics of long-term structural changes – not merely cyclical market fluctuations – brought about by globalization and rapidly evolving technology in the economy of the Greater Golden Horseshoe. The report concludes that the Growth Plan for the GGH is not grounded in the reality of the region’s economic geography.
Pamela Blais
Report (2015)
In August 2014, newspaper headlines trumpeted the “Manhattanization” of Toronto. City Council, in the span of two days, approved 18 new high-rise apartment and office buildings in downtown Toronto, on top of 70,000 residential units already approved for construction. But what happens in downtown Toronto is only a small part of a much larger story of growth across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA).
Brief (2015)
This report compares the 2001–2011 growth patterns of the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, where growth continues mainly on greenfields, and Metro Vancouver, which grew mainly through intensification, especially along frequent transit corridors.
Marcy Burchfield and Anna Kramer
Report (2015)
Understanding the implications of land budgets
Neptis has prepared this discussion paper to answer three questions. (1) How does the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe work? (2) Is the region running out of land for development? (3) Have development patterns changed since the Plan was established? The findings are intended to contribute to the 10-year review of the Plan.
Neptis Foundation
Report (2015)
The book traces the evolution of Ontario government responses to rapid population growth and outward expansion in the Toronto metropolitan region over an 80-year period.
Frances Frisken
Books (2007)
This is the fifth in a series of nine issue papers commissioned by the Neptis Foundation for consideration by the Central Ontario Smart Growth Panel established by the Government of Ontario.
Pamela Blais
Analysis (2003)
This is the eighth in a series of nine issue papers commissioned by the Neptis Foundation for consideration by the Central Ontario Smart Growth Panel established by the Government of Ontario.
Larry Bourne
Analysis (2003)
As part of the Portrait of a Region series, this overview describes the demographic characteristics of the Toronto region, including population growth and aging, migration and immigration trends, changes in household composition and formation over the past 30 years, patterns of social and ethnic diversity, and income distribution and inequalities. In addition to describing the long-term trends, the study includes maps showing the spatial distribution of particular groups and household types.
Larry Bourne
Report (2000)