
In forming and pursuing its research program, Neptis has been fortunate to engage the expertise and professional opinions of an extraordinary group of experts. They include:

  1. Rian Allen and Philippa Campsie. (2013). Implementing the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe Has the strategic regional vision been compromised? Toronto: Neptis Foundation.

  1. Du, Paul and Marcy Burchfield, Byron Moldofsky, Jo Ashley. (2007). A Guide for Deriving a Consolidated Built-Up Urban Area for the Toronto Metropolitan Region Using Satellite Imagery. Toronto: University of Toronto Department of Geography and Program in Planning.

  2. Marcy Burchfield and Byron Moldofsky, Jo Ashley. (2007). A Method for Estimating the Historical Rate of Residential Intensification between 1991 and 2001 for the Toronto Region. Toronto: University of Toronto Department of Geography and Program in Planning, Toronto, 2007.

  3. Taylor, Zack and Marcy Burchfield, Byron Moldofsky, Jo Ashley. (2010). Growing Cities: Comparing Urban Growth and Regional Growth Policies in Calgary, Toronto, and Vancouver. Toronto: Neptis Foundation.

  1. Birnbaum, Leah and Lorenzo Nicolet, Zack Taylor. (2004). Simcoe County: The New Growth Frontier. Toronto: Neptis Foundation.

  1. Blais, Pamela M. (2000). Inching Toward Sustainability: The Evolving Urban Structure of the GTA. Toronto: Metropole Consultants.
  2. Blais, Pamela M. (2003). The Growth Opportunity: Leveraging New Growth to Maximise Benefits in the Central Ontario Zone, Issue Paper No. 5. Toronto: Neptis Foundation.
  3. Blais, Pamela M. (2003). Smart Development for Smart Growth, Issue Paper No. 6. Toronto: Neptis Foundation.
  4. IBI Group and Metropole Consultants, Dillon Consulting Limited. (2003). Toronto-Related Region Futures Study Sketch Modelling of Four Alternative Development Concepts. Toronto: IBI Group.

  1. Bourne, Larry S. (2000). People and Places: A Portrait of the Evolving Social Character of the Greater Toronto Region, Toronto: Department of Geography/Program in Planning University of Toronto.
  1. Buliung, R., and T. Hernandez. (2009). Places to Shop and Places to Grow: Power Retail, Consumer Travel Behaviour, and Urban Growth Management in the Greater Toronto Area. Toronto: Neptis Foundation.
  1. Bunce, Michael and Jeanne Maurer. (2005). Neptis Studies on the Toronto Metropolitan Region - Prospects for Agriculture in the Toronto Region: The Farmer Perspective. Toronto: Neptis Foundation.
  • Paul Du, Criminal Intelligence Analyst at Lloydminster RCMP
  1. Du, Paul and Marcy Burchfield, Byron Moldofsky, Jo Ashley. (2007). A Guide for Deriving a Consolidated Built-Up Urban Area for the Toronto Metropolitan Region Using Satellite Imagery. Toronto: University of Toronto Department of Geography and Program in Planning.

  1. Dunning, Will. (2006). Neptis Studies on the Toronto Metropolitan Region: Economic Influences on Population Growth and Housing Demand in the Greater Golden Horseshoe. Toronto: Neptis Foundation.

  1. Filion , Pierre. (2007). Neptis Studies on the Toronto Metropolitan Region - The Urban Growth Centres Strategy in the Greater Golden Horseshoe: Lessons from Downtowns, Nodes, and Corridors. Toronto: Neptis Foundation.
  1. Fraser, Donald M. (2003). Greenlands in the Central Ontario Zone, Issue Paper Number 4. Toronto: Neptis Foundation.

  2. Fraser, Donald M. and Bernard P. Neary, Gartner Lee Limited. (2004). Neptis Studies on the Toronto Metropolitan Region. The State of Greenlands Protection in South-Central Ontario. Toronto: Neptis Foundation.

  1. Frisken , Frances. (2007). The Public Metropolis: The Political Dynamics of Urban Expansion in the Toronto Region, 1924-2003. Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press Inc.
  1. Gertler, Meric. (2000). A Region in Transition: The Changing Structure of Toronto's Regional Economy. Toronto: Programme in Planning Department of Geography University of Toronto.
  2. Gertler, Meric. (2003). Smart Growth and the Regional Economy, Issue Paper No. 7. Toronto: the Neptis Foundation.
  1. Gilbert, Richard. (2003). Energy and Smart Growth, Issue Paper No. 7. Toronto: Neptis Foundation.

  1. Buliung, R., and T. Hernandez. (2009). Places to Shop and Places to Grow: Power Retail, Consumer Travel Behaviour, and Urban Growth Management in the Greater Toronto Area. Toronto: Neptis Foundation.
  1. Sorensen, Andre and Paul Hess. (2007). Metropolitan Indicators Poster. Toronto: Neptis Foundation.

  1. IBI Group and Dillon Consulting Limited. (2002). Toronto-Related Region Futures Study Interim Report: Implications of Business-As-Usual Development. Toronto: IBI Group.
  2. IBI Group and Metropole Consultants, Dillon Consulting Limited. (2003). Toronto-Related Region Futures Study Sketch Modelling of Four Alternative Development Concepts. Toronto: IBI Group.

  • Anna Kramer, PhD researcher, Metrolinx
  1. Burchfield, Marcy and Anna Kramer. (2015) Growing Pains: Understanding the New Reality of Population and Dwelling Patterns in the Toronto and Vancouver Regions. Toronto: Neptis Foundation.
  1. Bunce, Michael and Jeanne Maurer. (2005). Neptis Studies on the Toronto Metropolitan Region - Prospects for Agriculture in the Toronto Region: The Farmer Perspective. Toronto: Neptis Foundation.
  1. Miller, Eric J. and Amer Shalaby. (2000). Travel in the Greater Toronto Area: Past and Current Behaviour and Relation to Urban Form. Toronto: Department of Civil Engineering University of Toronto, Department of Civil Engineering Ryerson Polytechnic University.
  2. Miller, Eric J. and Richard Soberman. (2003). Travel Demand and Urban Form, Issue Paper No. 9. Toronto: the Neptis Foundation.
  3. Miller, Eric J. and Matthew J. Roorda, Murtaza Haider, Abolfazl Mohammadian, Jonathan Hoss, Winnie W.L. Wong. (2004). Travel and Housing Costs in the Greater Toronto Area: 1986 - 1996. Toronto: Neptis Foundation.
  1. Du, Paul and Marcy Burchfield, Byron Moldofsky, Jo Ashley. (2007). A Guide for Deriving a Consolidated Built-Up Urban Area for the Toronto Metropolitan Region Using Satellite Imagery. Toronto: University of Toronto Department of Geography and Program in Planning.

  2. Marcy Burchfield and Byron Moldofsky, Jo Ashley. (2007). A Method for Estimating the Historical Rate of Residential Intensification between 1991 and 2001 for the Toronto Region. Toronto: University of Toronto Department of Geography and Program in Planning, Toronto, 2007.

  3. Taylor, Zack and Marcy Burchfield, Byron Moldofsky, Jo Ashley. (2010). Growing Cities: Comparing Urban Growth and Regional Growth Policies in Calgary, Toronto, and Vancouver. Toronto: Neptis Foundation.

  • Bernard P. Neary, Gartner Lee Limited:

  1. Fraser, Donald M. and Bernard P. Neary, Gartner Lee Limited. (2004). Neptis Studies on the Toronto Metropolitan Region. The State of Greenlands Protection in South-Central Ontario. Toronto: Neptis Foundation.
  1. Birnbaum, Leah and Lorenzo Nicolet, Zack Taylor. (2004). Simcoe County: The New Growth Frontier. Toronto: Neptis Foundation.

  1. Ogilvie, Ken. (2003). Air, Water and Soil Quality, Issue Paper No. 2. Toronto: Neptis Foundation.
  1. Miller, Eric J. and Amer Shalaby. (2000). Travel in the Greater Toronto Area: Past and Current Behaviour and Relation to Urban Form. Toronto: Department of Civil Engineering University of Toronto, Department of Civil Engineering Ryerson Polytechnic University.
  1. Enid Slack Consulting Inc. (2000). Municipal Finance and Governance in the Greater Toronto Area: Can the GTA Meet the Challenges of the 21st Century? Toronto: Programme in Planning Department of Geography University of Toronto.
  • Richard Soberman, Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto
  1. Miller, Eric J. and Richard Soberman. (2003). Travel Demand and Urban Form, Issue Paper No. 9. Toronto: Neptis Foundation.
  1. Sorensen, Andre and Paul Hess. (2007). Metropolitan Indicators Poster. Toronto: Neptis Foundation.

  1. Birnbaum, Leah and Lorenzo Nicolet, Zack Taylor. (2004). Simcoe County: The New Growth Frontier. Toronto: Neptis Foundation.

  2. Taylor, Zack and John van Nostrand. (2008). Shaping the Toronto Region, Past, Present, and Future: An Exploration of the Potential Effectiveness of Changes to Planning Policies Governing Greenfield Development in the Greater Golden Horseshoe. Toronto: Neptis Foundation.
  3. Taylor, Zack and Marcy Burchfield. (2010). Growing Cities Comparing Urban Growth and Regional Growth Policies in Calgary, Toronto, and Vancouver. Toronto: Neptis Foundation.
  1. Taylor, Zack and John van Nostrand. (2008). Shaping the Toronto Region, Past, Present, and Future: An Exploration of the Potential Effectiveness of Changes to Planning Policies Governing Greenfield Development in the Greater Golden Horseshoe. Toronto: Neptis Foundation.
  1. Walton, Margaret. (2003). Agriculture in the Central Ontario Zone, Issue Paper No. 1. Toronto: Neptis Foundation
  1. White, Richard. (2003). Urban Infrastructure and Urban Growth in the Toronto Region 1950s to the 1990s. Toronto: Neptis Foundation.
  1. Write, Robert M. and Russell Loveridge. (2000). The Evolving Physical Condition of the Greater Toronto Area: Space, Form, Change. Toronto: Centre for Landscape Research University of Toronto.