Urban Growth Centres (Location And Extent)

The Growth Plan identifies 25 existing or emerging "downtowns" or Urban Growth Centres across the region and sets density targets for each one: these historic downtowns and emerging suburban centres are expected to achieve a density of between 150 and 400 people and jobs per hectare by 2031, depending on their growth potential, development opportunities, and surrounding context. Two-thirds of the Urban Growth Centres are located in the GTHA (Inner Ring). Of the eight in the Outer Ring, four are in Waterloo and Niagara Regions. The size and location of each Urban Growth Centre are defined in municipal planning documents.

Mapping Source:

Size and location of Urban Growth Centres in the Greater Golden Horseshoe, Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, 2008:


Additional Information:

Size and location of Urban Growth Centres in the Greater Golden Horseshoe: https://www.placestogrow.ca/images/pdfs/UGC_final.pdf

Minimum density targets for Urban Growth Centre: https://www.neptis.org/publications/how-will-growth-be-accommodated/chapters/urban-growth-centres