Urban Expansion Areas are lands within a municipality designated for urban development in an Official Plan, but not actually developed when the Growth Plan came into effect in June 2006. These areas are also known as Designated Greenfield Areas. They are located outside the Built-up Area (that is, outside the Built Boundary) but inside the Settlement Area Boundary. Urban Expansion Areas are intended to accommodate most urban growth up to 2031.
Mapping Source:
The Neptis Foundation identified and mapped these areas through a review of municipal Official Plans, Official Plan Amendments and other planning documents before and after the introduction of the Growth Plan conformity amendments.
Additional Information:
Method used by the Neptis Foundation to map land designated for growth: https://www.neptis.org/publications/implementing-growth-plan-greater-golden-horseshoe/chapters/appendix-methodology-mapping
Land area inventory by municipality: https://www.neptis.org/publications/implementing-growth-plan-greater-golden-horseshoe/chapters/appendix-c-land-area