Lake Simcoe Protection Plan Area (2009)

The Lake Simcoe Protection Plan was established for Lake Simcoe and its surrounding watersheds (which include portions of 23 municipalities) to improve the water quality of the lake and protect it from further pollution. The Plan includes requirements to manage phosphorus, conduct stormwater master planning, restrict the use of live bait, and establish clear shoreline protection zones.

Mapping Source:

The information layer indicates the extent of the Lake Simcoe Protection Act Watershed Boundary as defined in Ontario Regulation 219/09, under the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan, 2008.

Lake Simcoe Protection Act Watershed Boundary, Lake Simcoe Protection Plan, Ministry of the Environment, July 2009:

Additional Information:

Lake Simcoe Protection Act, 2008:

Lake Simcoe Protection Plan, July 2009:

Lake Simcoe Protection Act, 2008 (Ontario Regulation 219/09):