We would like to acknowledge the contribution of individuals who were of immeasurable help in the preparation of this paper. This project was truly a team effort and would not have succeeded without the significant contributions made by a number of our colleagues at Gartner Lee:
Dale Leadbeater, Senior Ecologist, who reviewed this paper and acted as a sounding board for many of the ideas expressed in it;
Jacquie Corley, Ecologist, who researched the environmental policy regime for the upper tier municipalities within the study area;
Jill Attwood, Ecologist, who researched and prepared the Case Studies;
Rosalind Chaundy, Ecologist, who compiled the Greenlands definitions found in Appendix A.
In addition, we would like to thank:
Lee Parsons, a partner at Malone Given Parsons Limited, who provided invaluable information on the history of urban growth patterns in Central Ontario;
Marcy Burchfield of the Neptis Foundation, who provided much assistance in obtaining spatial data;
Byron Moldofsky and Jo Ashley of the University of Toronto Cartography Department, who provided technical advice on the maps and other graphic material;
Tony Coombes and Richard White of the Neptis Foundation, who offered advice, leadership, and guidance throughout the entire project.
Gartner Lee Limited and the Neptis Foundation also gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, the Niagara Escarpment Commission, and other public sector agencies, for their permission to use their data for this report. In addition to data obtained from the Ontario Geospatial Data Exchange, several upper-tier municipalities also contributed specific data sets that have been used in the preparation of the various Greenlands maps.