15. Water Survey of Canada (HYDAT)
Legislation | Established in 1908 by the federal government for water resource management and monitoring. |
Applies to | About 2,800 active hydrometric monitoring stations across Canada. There are 603 active stations in Ontario as of 2017. |
Prepared by | Federal/provincial staff |
Submitted to/publication requirements | Data maintained on HYDAT, "the archival database that contains all water information collected through the National Hydrometric Program." See: https://ec.gc.ca/rhc-wsc/default.asp?lang=En&n=894E91BE-1 |
Due date/ frequency | Ongoing monitoring. Some real-time data available for certain stations (within the last day, usually). |
Minimum data requirements | WSC monitors daily and monthly mean flow, water level, and sediment concentrations for hydrometric monitoring stations across Canada. Fields include:
Geographical coordinates in the spreadsheet allow for mapping. |
May also include | For some sites, peaks and extremes are also recorded. |
Other information | https://www.ec.gc.ca/rhc-wsc/default.asp?lang=En&n=4EED50F1-1 |
16. Groundwater Information Network
Legislation | 2005: Mandate re-enforced by the Senate of Canada to map Canadian aquifers. See: https://sencanada.ca/content/sen/committee/381/enrg/rep/rep13nov05-e.htm |
Applies to | Groundwater resources in Canada, provincial water wells, monitoring networks, Geological Survey of Canada data |
Who prepares it
| Federal-provincial collaborations between the Geological Survey of Canada, and for Ontario, Ontario Geological Survey, Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, Ministry Natural Resources and Forestry, conservation authorities. |
Submitted to/ publication requirements | Groundwater Information Network (GIN) is a data access portal. All data resides at host organizations and is previously published. |
Due date/ frequency | Ongoing. |
Minimum data requirements | Working with OGS to consolidate and deliver from a database OGS subsurface studies of surficial geology |
Issues/ drawbacks | Much of the information is also available from provincial ministries. |
Other information | Ongoing discussions with MOECC on how to assist enhance data delivery in Ontario. See: http://gin.gw-info.net/ |
17. Canadian Drought Monitor
Legislation | Part of the North American Drought Monitor, a cooperative effort between drought experts in Canada, Mexico, and the United States established in 2002. |
Applies to | All of Canada |
Prepared by | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada |
Submitted to/publication requirements | Published online in the form of a map, with an accompanying written summary of conditions in four major regions (Western, Central, Atlantic, Northern): http://www.agr.gc.ca/eng/programs-and-services/list-of-programs-and-services/drought-watch/canadian-drought-monitor/current-drought-conditions/?id=1467724907072 |
Due date/ frequency | Monthly. Results published about a week after the end of each month. |
Minimum data requirements | Five drought levels, in order of severity: Abnormally Dry, Moderate Drought, Severe Drought, Extreme Drought, and Exceptional Drought. Data fields include:
Other information | Uses federal, provincial, and regional data. "CDM is developed from an assortment of sources, such as: various precipitation and temperature indicators, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index satellite imagery, streamflow values, Palmer Drought Index, Standardized Precipitation Index; as well as drought indicators used by the agriculture, forestry, and water management sectors. Drought-prone regions are analyzed based on precipitation, temperature, drought model index maps, and climate data; and are interpreted by federal, provincial, and academic scientists. Once a consensus is reached, a monthly map showing drought designations for Canada is produced and used by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) to assess the current drought risk to agriculture." See: http://www.agr.gc.ca/eng/programs-and-services/list-of-programs-and-services/drought-watch/canadian-drought-monitor/about-the-canadian-drought-monitor/?id=1463576995558 |