
Primary tabs

Brampton Development Application Selection
Unlocking the Potential of the Airport Megazone
Unlocking the Potential of the Airport Megazone
AMZ - Executive Summary - 1
AMZ - Executive Summary - 3
AMZ - Travel, Transportation Patterns, and Transit...
AMZ - Travel, Transportation Patterns, and Transit...
AMZ - The employment geography of the megazone - 1
AMZ - The employment geography of the megazone - 2
AMZ - Employment Change - 1
AMZ - Types of Employment - 1
AMZ - Types of Employment - 2
AMZ - The Basics - 2
AMZ Figure 1
% Attached (semis and rowhouses)
% Single-Detached
% Apartments and Duplexes
% Apartments and Duplexes
Housing Type Mix and Average Household Size of Stu...
Street Patterns in Different Areas
Study Area Street Networks
External Connectivity (average distance in metres...
Road Density (total road length in metres per deve...
Intersection Density (intersections per developabl...
Intersection Frequency (intersections per road kil...
Number of Jobs per 400 Hectares (gross land base)
Employment Land as % of Developable Land Area
Developable Area Employment Density (jobs per hect...
The Contribution of Jobs Density to Combined Popul...
Combined Public Transit (local and regional) and s...
Motorized (automobile, taxi, and motorcycle) mode...
Non-Motorized (walking and cycling) mode share for...
Relating Motorized Non-Motorized Share to Neighbou...
Relating Motorized Mode Share to Neighbourhood Acc...
Figure 1: Manufacturing Employment as a Share of T...
Figure 2: Change in Employment by Skill Level, GGH...
Figure 3: Employment by Skill Level, GGH, 2001 and...
Figure 4: Change in GGH Employment 2001–2014, Tota...
Figure 5: Change in GGH Employment, 2001–2014, Tot...
Figure 6: Change in GGH Employment 2001–2014, Tota...
Metropolitan Indicators Poster
Metropolitan Indicators Poster
Understanding the implications of land budgets
Understanding the implications of land budgets
The Issues Papers: Smart Growth Panel
Four Canadian Urban Regions
Four Canadian Urban Regions
Downzoning in Markham
Understanding the Growth Plan's greenfield density...
20 years of population and land growth (1991-2011)
Housing Diversity- Vancouver v Toronto (1991-2011)
Metropolitan Indicators Poster
Metropolitan Indicators Poster
The Issues Papers; Smart Growth Panel
Population Growth vs Designated Land
Population Growth vs Designated Land
Future projections of population versus land
Implementation of Growth Plan targets (Minimums ve...
Summary of Measurements: Scale of Analysis
Figure 3: Testing the Impact of Different Growth O...
Intensification Rates in the Greater Golden Horses...
Monthly wholesale natural gas prices
Per capita end use of energy by sector in Ontario...
The Growth Plan Purpose
The Growth Plan Purpose
Goals of the Growth Plan
Main policies of the Growth Plan
Population Growth vs Designated Land
Population Growth vs Designated Land
Review of the Big Move: Benefits Case Analyses
Review of the Big Move: Benefits Case Analyses
Four Canadian Urban Regions
Four Canadian Urban Regions
Main Geoweb
Four Canadian urban region: Vancouver, Edmonton, C...
Four Canadian Urban Regions
Four Canadian Urban Regions
The Four Regions
The Four Regions
Slow land consumption at urban edge: Vancouver, E...
How have Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, and Toronto...
% Population Increase vs % Urban Land Area Increas...
% Population Increase vs % Urban Land Area Increase
How Four Canadian Urban Regions Have Grown
How Four Canadian Urban Regions Have Grown
Toronto: Canada's largest urban footprint
Toronto: Canada's Largest Urban Footprint
Toronto: Canada's Largest Urban Footprint
Allocation of population growth by upper-tier muni...
Evolving Physical Condition of the GTA
The map summarizes transit projects currently fund...
Toronto Projected Growth
Toronto Projected Growth
Visualizing Urban Futures: Geomatics Decision Supp...
The Big Move
The Big Move
Toronto: Canada's largest urban footprint
The Big Move, Metrolinx
Summary graphic: Proposed schemes by Metrolinx and...
Integrate the Built Boundary with the Urban Settle...
Classify remaining Settlement Area Boundary expans...
Classify settlement areas as Urban or Rural.
Identify the Built Boundary: Built-Up Area for eac...
Forecast Growth and Land Planned to be Urbanized,...
Amount of land designated for development, by sing...
Built boundary and settlement area boundary
Performance of the Richmond Hill Subway, Eglinton-...
Optimizing the Program
Fuel taxes, London UK
London Travel Report
Drawing from Metrolinx shows how the underground s...
Figure from Eglinton Crosstown BCA
Capital cost, net revenue, and new ridership for a...
Performance of subway and Transit City schemes
The current Metrolinx schemes will not deliver the...
Comparative Costs and Revenues of Different Modes
Graph prepared by Metrolinx to inform the debate o...
Average Annual Population Growth Rates, 1976-2001
Separated cities and use of alternative minimum de...
Comparison of land designated for growth, Inner an...
Land Supply for urban growth, by upper- and single...
Land designated for growth in the Greater Golden H...
Upper- and single-tier municipalities eligible to...
Comparison of land area designated as urban or rur...
Historic and forecast population growth in the Gre...
Upper-tier municipal approaches to for allocating...
Generalized Municipal Official Plan Review and Gro...
Examples of upper-tier municipal approaches to all...
Examples of upper-tier municipal options for alloc...
Distribution of population growth, 2001–2041, Oute...
Distribution of population, Outer Ring municipalit...
Distribution of population growth in the Greater G...
Distribution of population growth 2001–2041, Inner...
Distribution of population growth 2001–2041, Inner...
Forecast population and employment and growth in t...
Distribution of population in the Greater Golden H...
Distribution of population, Inner Ring municipalit...
Municipal Growth Plan conformity planning process
Generalized land budget process
Anatomy of the region
Transportation Tomorrow Survey (TTS) Study Areas
Measuring intensification rates
Comparing two ways of defining the built boundary...
Intensification rates for upper-tier municipalitie...
Fifteen-year intensification rate, Greater Golden...
Intensification rates for the same time period, 20...
A3: Nosehill Park
Level of Protection: Kawartha Lakes
Level of Protection: Northumberland
Waterloo Greenland's Classification
Land base definitions
Scales of analysis
Density gradient of the Toronto census metropolita...
Dwellings by census period of construction
Residential densities in the GTA
Net residential dwelling unit density
Average population and dwelling unit density, by e...
Average household size, by era group
Average household size and average rooms and bedro...
Gross combined population and employment density
Private property as % of gross land area
Private property as % of developable land area
Public facilities as % of developable land area
Parks as % of developable land area
Schoolyard land as % of developable land area
Rights-of-way as % of developable land area
Parkland in hectares per 1,000 residents (excludin...
Parkland in hectares per 300 dwelling units (exclu...
Schoolyard area in hectares per 1,000 residents (e...
Schoolyard area in hectares per 300 dwelling units...
Residential parcel area as % of gross land area
Land consumption per dwelling unit: a non-linear r...
Housing type mix of study areas by net residential...
Apartments and duplexes
Attached (semis and rowhouses)
Housing type mix and average household size of stu...
Street patterns in different eras
External connectivity (average distance in metres...
Road density (total road length in metres per deve...
Intersection density (intersections per developabl...
Intersection frequency (intersections per road kil...
Number of jobs per 400 hectares (gross land base)
Employment land as % of developable land area
Developable area employment density (jobs per hect...
The contribution of jobs density to combined popul...
Motorized (automobile, taxi, and motorcycle) mode...
Ratio of jobs to resident employed labour force ov...
Non-motorized (walking and cycling) mode share for...
Combined public transit (local and regional) and s...
Relating motorized mode share to neighbourhood acc...
Relating non-motorized mode share to neighbourhood...
Relating motorized mode share to density
The modifiable areal unit problem
Operation of the model
Hierarchy of land use categories
The evolution of the Canadian urban retail system
Retail locations in the GTA: 1996 and 2001
Power node evolution in Vaughan (Highway 400...
Distribution of Power Centres and Enclosed Malls b...
Trip start-time distributions for trips from home...
Trip start-time distributions for trips from all o...
Distribution of auto-driver shopping trips and VKT...
Community and neighbourhood shopping (units are ’0...
Enclosed regional and super-regional centres (unit...
Enclosed regional and super-regional centres (unit...
The Transportation- Land Use Interaction
Average Person Trips/ COZ, 2001
Change in Daily Person Trips COZ 1995-2001
Household Auto Ownership COZ 2001
Change in Household Auto Ownership COZ 1996 - 2001
Change in Mode COZ 1996 - 2001
Trip Mode Shares, All Trips COZ 2001
Growth in Travel vs. Population COZ 1996-2001
% of COZ Growth, Key Statistics COZ 1996-2001
Transportation Building Blocks for Smart Growth
Socioeconomic variables relative to each other
The potential impact of achieving the Growth Plan’...
Conceptual diagram of the residential intensificat...
Urban land densities across the urban fringe
Urban patch analysis across the urban fringe
Processing steps in the image analysis
Overview of the process used to estimate intensifi...
Housing Types, 2001
End-use energy consumption in petajoules, 1990-200...
End use of energy in Ontario by sector, 1990-2000
Per capita energy use by sector in Canada and othe...
Energy consumption per unit of GDP, 1997
Per capita energy use for the movement of people i...
Monthly crude oil prices
Actual and projected production of all oil and nat...
Shares of weekday trips by residents of different...